Archives for March 23, 2024

5 Reasons to Follow Up After a Construction Job Interview  

Waiting to hear back from organizations after interviewing with them is sometimes more stressful than the period before your interview. You may want to know how you did but may not know how to approach the interviewer. 

As an AEC professional, sending a follow-up email after your interview is a great way to stand out. It’ll also remind the interviewer that you’re the best candidate for the role.

After the job interview 

After your construction job interview, the next thing you should do is send a follow-up email to the recruiter. Sending them a quick message a day or two after shows you’re passionate about the position. It also gives you the chance to say anything you forgot during the interview or something you thought of after.

Five reasons to follow up after a construction job interview

  1. To get updates

Following up with the interviewer can help with updates on what to expect in the next stage of the application. Start off on the right note by sending a thank you email to appreciate their time. You can then go ahead to ask for an update on how you did and what to expect next in the hiring process. 

Supervisors have many responsibilities, and seeing your message might remind the recruiter to proceed to the next step. You’ll likely be the first person they reach out to if you qualify for the next steps.

  1. Get their attention 

Interviewers speak with many people per role, and it’s easy to get forgotten after the interview. Consider that other candidates may have also performed well in the interview so the interviewer has a lot of options. Sending a follow-up email after your construction job interview refreshes the interviewer’s memory and reminds them about what made you stand out. 

You may also add an anecdote from the discussion in your message to reinforce your presence in their mind. Another helpful tip is to use the same email thread where the interview was scheduled. Doing this will help the recruiter recognize you. 

  1. It gives you a second shot 

It’s concerning if you missed a question or forgot to mention an important detail during your interview. Omitting information is common, but what you do after can make a difference. Use a follow-up message to answer any questions you feel you didn’t handle well. 

You can also ask more questions about the organization or share your thoughts on some of the things you discussed. Working with an AEC staffing agency can help you craft the right message to the interviewer. You’ll work together to develop a comprehensive email using the right tone so you don’t omit any other information. 

  1. It shows interest

A follow-up message after an interview shows you’re still interested in the role. The company would be more interested in hiring someone who is enthusiastic about working with them. Always include specific details about the position you’re excited about working on. 

You can also talk about what you hope to accomplish as a way to remind them of your skills. It’ll show them you’re already thinking of ways to bring value and help them achieve their business goals.

  1. Gain feedback

You can also do a follow-up if you aren’t selected for a role. It’ll be an excellent opportunity to learn about what went wrong and why they didn’t choose you. The interviewer might be willing to give you helpful feedback notes that will improve your next interview. 

Kickstart your career in construction with Certis Solutions

While following up after a construction job interview can be helpful, don’t be pushy. Some companies aren’t good at providing feedback and may not respond to your messages. It’s best to let it go if you don’t get an answer.

Our specialized recruiters at Certis Solutions have the skills to guide you through your post-interview follow-ups. Contact us today for tips on acing your interview and finding your next job.

Salary Insight: How Much Do Drafters Make?

Drafters are responsible for drawings and blueprints, ensuring the structural integrity of large-scale and small-scale construction projects. An AEC drafter is responsible for creating the guidelines and precise schematics for both new builds and renovations. They perform their work either using computer-aided design software like AutoCAD or drawing by hand. 

We’ve got you covered if you’re interested in becoming a drafter or wondering what the average Drafters salary is. Drafters’ salaries vary by industry and experience, so it’s difficult to put a specific number to it. We’ll explore their average salary per industry and what you can expect to make as a qualified Drafter.

Becoming a Drafter in California: What to expect

To become a certified Drafter in California, you must pass a Drafters Certification Test. These tests are periodically done at ADDA-authorized sites, covering topics like drafting concepts, architectural terms and standards, and geometric construction. 

The average salary for California-based drafters is $61,820 per year. Depending on your employer, you may also be eligible for health insurance, sick leave, and retirement plans. Working with a technical staffing agency in the search for employment as a Drafter can ensure you get a job that is right for you.

Drafters’ salary by industry: Insights for 2023

Drafters in the United States make about $54,240 annually, which equals $28.04 per hour. Several factors can influence this figure to trend higher or lower. Factors such as your industry or location influence salaries. Drafters with the same skills and experience can make more than others in some states. Here’s a look at how much drafters make according to their industry. All figures are obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics salary estimates for drafters in 2021.

The electrical industry 

These drafters work with engineers to create drawings used for electrical wiring for projects like power plants. They’ll typically visit the project site to assess the structure and create drawings for proper wiring per industry regulations. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Electrical Drafters make about $77,780 per year as of 2021.

The civil industry

Civil drafters develop sketches and drawings for infrastructure development projects like highways. The average salary for drafters in this industry is $61,630 in 2021.

The architectural industry

These Drafters create drawings for construction projects, such as school buildings and factories. They work with architects and engineers to turn their plans into blueprints to ensure they are completed according to industry stands. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Architectural Drafters made $61,630 per year as of 2021.

The marine industry 

These Drafters define where critical systems like plumbing and electrical should be so the facilities comply with industry regulations. Drafters in this industry earn $57,660 per year as of 2021.

The mechanical industry 

In the mechanical industry, Drafters work on drawings and diagrams for mechanical products. They outline the required dimensions of the products and also give details for assembling them. Mechanical Drafters earn $52,450 as of 2021.

Certis: Guiding you toward your dream role

A technical staffing agency like Certis Solutions can help new and experienced Drafters find their ideal job. Whatever your industry may be, we can help you land the perfect job from our extensive database of industry connections. Contact us today to get started.